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ISO/IEC 27001 : 2022 附录 A 5.23 使用云服务的信息安全

ISO 27001:2022 附录 A 5.23 的目的

ISO 27001:2022 附录 A 5.23 是一项新的控制措施,概述了与组织独特的信息安全要求相关的获取、使用、管理和退出云服务所需的流程。

附件 A 控制 5.23 允许组织以“云服务客户”的身份,首先指定然后随后管理和管理与云服务相关的信息安全概念。

附录 A 5.23 是一种预防性控制措施,通过指定在商业云服务领域内管理信息安全的政策和程序来保持风险。


Guidance on ISO 27001:2022 Annex A Control 5.23 – Organisational Obligations

ISO 27001:2022 附录 A 控制 5.23 – 组织义务指南

Compliance with Control 5.23 involves adhering to what’s known as a ‘topic-specific’ approach to cloud services and information security.

遵守控制 5.23 涉及遵守所谓的“特定主题”云服务和信息安全方法。

Given the variety of cloud services on offer, topic-specific approaches encourage organisations to create cloud services policies that are tailored towards individual business functions, rather than adhering to a blanket policy that applies to information security and cloud services across the board.


It should be noted that ISO considers adherence to Annex A Control 5.23 as a collaborative effort between the organisation and their cloud service partner. Annex A Control 5.23 should also be closely aligned with Controls 5.21 and 5.22, which deal with information management in the supply chain and the management of supplier services respectively.

应该注意的是,ISO 认为遵守附录 A 控制 5.23 是组织与其云服务合作伙伴之间的协作努力。附件A控制5.23也应与控制5.21和5.22密切配合,后者分别涉及供应链中的信息管理和供应商服务管理。

However an organisation chooses to operate, Annex A Control 5.23 should not be taken in isolation and should complement existing efforts to manage supplier relationships.


With information security at the forefront, the organisation should define:


Any relevant security requirements or concerns involved in the use of a cloud platform.


The criteria involved in selecting a cloud services provider, and how their services are to be used.


Granular description of roles and relevant responsibilities that govern how cloud services areto be used across the organisation.


Precisely which information security areas are controlled by the cloud service provider, and those that fall under the remit of the organisation themselves.


The best ways in which to first collate then utilise any information security-related service components provided by the cloud service platform.


How to obtain categorical assurances on any information security-related controls enacted by the cloud service provider.


The steps that need to be taken in order to manage changes, communication and controls across multiple distinct cloud platforms, and not always from the same supplier.


Incident Management procedures that are solely concerned with the provision of cloud services.


How the organisation expects to manage its ongoing use and/or wholesale adoption of cloud platforms, in-line with their broader information security obligations.


A strategy for the cessation or amendment of cloud services, either on a supplier-by-supplier basis, or through the process of cloud to on-premise migration.


Guidance on Annex A Control 5.23 – Cloud Services Agreements

关于附件 A 控制 5.23 – 云服务协议的指南

Annex A Control 5.23 acknowledges that, unlike other supplier relationships, cloud service agreements are rigid documents that aren’t amendable in the vast majority of cases.

附录 A 控制 5.23 承认,与其他供应商关系不同,云服务协议是僵硬的文件,在绝大多数情况下不可修改。

With that in mind, organisations should scrutinise cloud service agreements and ensure that four main operational requirements are met:


Confidentiality. 保密性。

Security/data integrity.


Service availability. 服务可用性。

Information handling. 信息处理。

As with other supplier contracts, prior to acceptance, cloud service agreements should undergo a thorough risk assessment that highlights potential problems at source.


At a bare minimum, the organisation should enter into a cloud services agreement only when they are satisfied that the following 10 provisions have been met:

至少,只有当组织确信满足以下 10 项规定时,才应签订云服务协议:

Cloud services are provisioned and implemented based on the organisation’s unique requirements relating to their area of operation, including industry accepted standards and practices for cloud-based architecture and hosted infrastructure.


Access to any cloud platforms meet the border information security requirements of the organisation.


Adequate consideration is given to antimalware and antivirus services, including proactive monitoring and threat protection.


The cloud provider adheres to a predefined set of data storage and processing stipulations, relating to one or more distinct global regions and regulatory environments.


Proactive support is provided to the organisation, should the cloud platform suffer a catastrophic failure or information security-related incident.


If the need arises to sub-contract or otherwise outsource any element of the cloud platform, the supplier’s information security requirements remain a constant consideration.


Should the organisation require any assistance in collating digital information for any relevant purpose (law enforcement, regulatory alignment, commercial purposes), the cloud services provider will support the organisation as far as is possible.


At the end of the relationship, the cloud service provider should provide reasonable support and appropriate availability during the transition or decommissioning period.


The cloud service provider should operate with a robust BUDR plan that is focused on carrying out adequate backups of the organisation’s data.

云服务提供商应采用强大的 BUDR 计划,该计划专注于对组织的数据进行充分的备份。

The transfer of all relevant supplementary data from the cloud services provider to the organisation, including config information and code that the organisation has a claim to.


Supplementary Information on Annex A Control 5.23


In addition to the above guidance, Annex A Control 5.23 suggests that organisations form a close working relationship with cloud service providers, in accordance with the important service they provide not only in information security terms, but across an organisation’s entire commercial operation.

除上述指南外,附录 A 控制 5.23 还建议组织与云服务提供商建立密切的工作关系,根据他们提供的重要服务,不仅在信息安全方面,而且在组织的整个商业运营中。

Organisations, where possible, should seek out the following stipulations from cloud service providers to improve operational resilience, and enjoy enhanced levels of information security:


All infrastructure amendments should be communicated in advance, to inform the organisation’s own set of information security standards.


The organisation needs to be kept informed of any changes to data storage procedures that involve migrating data to a different jurisdiction or global region.


Any intention on the part of the cloud service provider to utilise “peer cloud” providers, or outsource areas of their operation to subcontractors that may have information security implications for the organisation.



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